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    Raj Singh
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    Tarun Gupta
    Let PQR be a triangle in which PQ=3. From the vertex R, draw the altitude RS to meet PQ at S. Assume that RS=√3 and PS=QR. Then PR equals -
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    Raj Singh

    Hope this will help you to clear your doubt

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    Tarun Gupta
    Thanks, Raj Singh
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    NazIa Farheen
    A specially designed vernier calliper has the main scale least count of 1 mm. On the vernier scale, there are 10 equal divisions and they match with 11 main scale divisions. Then, the least count of the vernier calliper is -
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    Astha Verma

    Least count = 1 V.S.D. – 1 M.S.D.
    Where V.S. D = Vernier scale division
    M.S.D = Main scale division
    Main scale division = 11
    Vernier scale division = 10
    Least count = 1 mm
    So, the least count will be
    Least count = [MSD / VSD] – 1
    (L.C.) = [11 / 10] − 1 = [11 – 10] / 10 = 1 / 10 = 0.1mm
    Alternate solution
    L.C. = (main scale least count)/(no. of the division of V.S.D which coincide with M.S.D.)
    ∴ L.C. = 1 / 10
    ∴ L.C. = 0.1 mm

    Hope this will help you to clear your doubt

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    NazIa Farheen
    Okay, Got it
  • Thanks, Astha